Monday, 29 June 2015

Open Source Management Pack for SCOM 2016 to monitor Apache webserver and My SQL

Open Source Management Pack for SCOM 2016:

  • Microsoft has release Opensource Management pack or OSS MP which allows to monitor Opensource technology using SCOM.
  • Now you can monitor Apache Webserver, MYSQL database using SCOM itself.
  • Infact the entire LAMB stack is not supported and caN be monitored using SCOM 2016.
  • You can Download the OSS MP from the below location
  • Click here

Import Management Pack using Powershell SCOM 2012 R2

Importing Management Pack using Powershell SCOM 2012 R2:

  • Inoder to Import the MP using Powershell use the below command
Import-SCOMManagementPack -FullName "C:\"

  • This will import the MP.

Lync 2013 MP Install Step by Step SCOM 2012 R2

Lync 2013 MP Install Step by Step:

  • Lync has taken over the entire communication channel.
  • Gone are the VOIP IP Cisco Phones which use to sit on your Desk.
  • Today everything is going to Mobile and Lync is the best and cheapest option from Micrososft.
  • So almost all enterprise have decided to migrate to Lync. So much is the Lync affects today that, we need a realtime monitoring more critical then outlook.
  • So Microsoft has worked on it very hard and have brought the realtime Monitoring using SCOM for Lync 2013.
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 includes two SCOM management packs:

  • The Component and User Management Pack (
  • This MP Monitors Lync Server issues recorded in event logs, registered by performance counters, or logged in the call detail records (CDR) or the Quality of Experience (QoE) databases.

Active Monitoring Pack (

  • This MP proactively tests key Lync Server components such as logging on to the system, exchanging instant messages, or making calls to a phone located on the public switched telephone network (PSTN). These tests are conducted using the Lync Server synthetic transaction cmdlets. 


Test-CsIM: cmdlet is used to simulate an instant messaging conversation between a pair of test users. If this simulated messaging conversation fails an alert will be generated.

Steps to Install MP:

  • Download the files and
  • In System Center Operations Manager, click Administration.In the Administration pane, right-click Management Packs, and then click Import Management Packs.
  • In the Select Management Packs dialog box, click Add, and then click Add from disk.
  • In the Online Catalog Connection dialog box, click Cancel to prevent Operations Manager from going online to see if any dependencies exist for the Lync Server management packs. If you are using System Center Operations Manager 2012, click No.
  • In the Select Management Packs to import dialog box, locate and select the files and and then click Open. To select multiple files in the dialog box, click the first file, hold down the Ctrl key and then click the second file.
  • In the Select Management Packs dialog box, click Install. If you get an error message and installation fails, that typically means that the management pack files are in a folder protected by the Windows User Account Control. If this occurs, copy the files to a different folder and then restart the import and installation process.
  • In the Select Management Packs dialog box, click Close. Note that the import and installation process might require several minutes to complete.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Powershell Command to create Folder

Command to create Folder from Powershell

  • Powershell is very powerful tool.You can create a Folder from within Powershell using "MD" command
Below command creates a folder called test4 from within Powershell.

md "c:\test4"

Powershell Command to open any file

Powershell Command to open any file

  • Many people think that you can only open txt or html file from Powershell. Thats not true.
  • You can open any File type using Invoke-Item Powershell Command

In the below example we open JPG file from within powershell

INVOKE-ITEM "C:\test.jpg"

Powershell Script to get Event from Application Event Log

Powershell Script to get particual Event from Application Event Log

.You can use the below script to get Eventlog message using Powershell.

$Server='Your Computer Name"
$Yesterday="From Date in DD/MM/YYYY format"
$Today="To Date in DD/MM/YYYY format"
$Event = "Event ID you are looking for"
Get-EventLog -ComputerName $Server -LogName "Application" -after $Yesterday -before $Today| where {$_.EventID -eq $Event}

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Audiocodes Management pack for Lync 2013

Audiocodes Management pack for Lync 2013

  • Audio codes Management pack for Lync 2013 is SNMP based MP which is used to monitor the Audio codes devices.
  • Audio codes are the back end device which acts like a epbax box for lync.
  • Lync telephony is fast replacing the traditional cisco voip phones which we see in most organizations.
  • The cost saving benefit is huge and lot of organizations are migrating to it.
  • So it become vital to monitor these devices and Audicodes have replased a Management for all there devices be it M1K,M2K,M3K.
  • The Configuration of this MP is straight forward..First you discover it as netowrk device in SCOM. Then you install the MP and the devices will start getting monitored.
  • To download the MP go click here

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

New features in Veeam V7 MP for SCOM 2012 R2

New features in Veeam V7 MP for SCOM 2012 R2

Support for Hyper-V:

With Veeam MP v7, you can monitor health and performance of both Microsoft Hyper-V
and VMware vSphere environments. Now Hyper-V administrators can get the same great
monitoring, alerting, advanced reporting and unique dashboards that Veeam provides for

Heatmap Dashboard:

Easy to access live data from any object in your Hyper-V or vSphere environment with incontext dashboards and drill-down capabilities. Veeam widgets work in tandem with dashboards to give you instant visualization of the metrics that matter most to you.

Capacity planning for hybrid cloud:

Veeam Management Pack takes the guesswork out of planning resources to run your virtual workloads in the cloud. Capacity planning for both Microsoft Azure and for VMware vCloud Hybrid Service first analyzes your on-premises virtual workloads and then provides recommendations for the required cloud IaaS resources.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Powershell Command to extract sealed Management pack from SCOM 2012 R2

Powershell Command to extract sealed Management pack from SCOM 2012 R2:

  • Many times we face situation where we want to export the sealed MP's
  • But guess what the MP was earlier imported by 1 of your collegue and he is no longer in the organization
  • Then you don't know where the MP's are and you can;t export sealed MP's in SCOM .
  • But there ise Command Shell (SCOM version of Powershell to help you)
  • Get-SCOMManagementpack "*veeam*" | Export-SCOMManagementpack -Path "c:\export" 
  • This command will get you the sealed Management pack in xml form which is the same.
  • This xml version will also help you customize the vendor provided MP.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Key Components of Veeam Management Pack.

Veeam Management pack is the most widely used MP to monitor the VMware infrastructure in the organization. So today we will see the key componets of this Veeam Management pack
Following are the Key components

  • Veeam VMware Collector — It collects event and performance data from VMware systems.
  • Veeam Virtualization Extensions Service — It is used for centralized configuration of Veeam like adding Host to monitor,disable jobs,remove host,adding licenses etc.
  • Veeam Virtualization Extensions UI — web UI for configuration of the Extensions Service and the managed Collectors.All Veeam relate config has t be done from this UI only. You calose use VEShell, which is Veeam powerhsell extension 
  • Veeam Management Packs — It contain all the rules,monitors and other dasbaord which when imported to SCOM will give you rich visbility of your VM infrastructure.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Delete SCOM management Packs using Powershell in SCOM 2012 R2

Delete SCOM management Packs using Powershell

  • SCOM has a very powerful Command shell which is a subset of Powershell
  • Most of the time we have to delete lot of old management packs and when there are more than 20 to delete, you have to select 1 by 1 and delete.
  • But there is a easier way to do it with Command Shell
  • Use command "Get-SCOMmanagementpack | where{$_.displayname -like "*Windows*"}|Remove-SCOMManagementPack"
  • This will delete all the management pack which matches the word windows