What is Big Data?
The process of storing and analysing data to make some sense for the organization is called Big data. In simple terms, data which is very large in size and yet growing exponentially with time is called as Big data.
Why we need Big Data?
For any application that contains limited amount of data we normally use Sql/Postgresql/Oracle/MySQL, but what in case of large applications like Facebook,Google,Youtube? This data is so large and complex that none of the traditional data management system is able to store and process it.
Facebook generates 500+ TB data per day as people upload various images, videos, posts etc. Similarly sending text/multimedia messages, updating Facebook/WhatsApp status, comments etc. generates huge data. If we use traditional data processing applications (SQL/Oracle/MySQL) to handle it, it will lead to loss of efficiency. So in order to handle exponential growth of data, data analysis becomes a required task. To overcome this problem, we use Big data. Big data includes both structured and unstructured data.
Traditional data management systems and existing tools are facing difficulties to process such a big data. R is one of the main computing tool used in statistical education and research. It is also widely used for data analysis and numerical computing in scientific research.
Where does Big Data come from?
1.Social data : This could be data coming from social media services such as Facebook Likes, photos and videos uploads, putting comments, Tweets and YouTube views.
2.Share Market: Stock exchange generates huge amount of data through its daily transaction.
3.E-commerce site: E-commerce Sites like Flipkart,Amazon,Snapdeal generates huge amount of data.
4.Airplane: Single airplane can generate 10+ TB of data in 30 minutes of a flight time.
What is the need for storing such huge amount of data?
The main reason behind storing data is analysis. Data analysis is a process used to clean, transform and remodel data with a view to reach to a certain conclusion for a given situation. More accurate analyses leads to better decision making and better decision making leads to increase in efficiency and risk reduction.
1. When we search anything on e-commerce websites(Flipkart,Amazon), we get some recommendations of product that we search. The analysis of data that we entered is done by these websites, then accordingly the related products are displayed.
Example - When we search any smart phone, we get recommendations to buy back covers,screen guard etc.
2. Similarly, why facebook stores our images,videos? The reason is advertisement.
There are two types of marketing-
a) Global marketing - Show advertisement to all users.
b) Target marketing - Show advertisement to particular groups/people. So in target marketing, facebook analyses it's data and it shows advertisements to selected people.
Exm - If advertiser wants to advertise for cricket kit and he/she wants to show that advertisement to only interested set of people so facebook tracks a record of all those people who are member of cricket groups or post anything related to cricket and displays it to them.
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