Wednesday 30 March 2016

Known Issues and Troubleshooting for SSAS 2008 MP

Known Issues and Troubleshooting for SSAS 2008 MP

  • Users who had the previous version of SSAS management pack installed should remove Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Visualization Library (version manually.

Issue: The library has become a generic component and a new management pack that contains the functionally is released. Since it is impossible to remove the obsolete pack automatically during installation process, users have to do it manually.
Resolution: Remove Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Visualization Library (version

  • If the last SSAS database or partition is deleted the object will be still displayed in SCOM as if it exists.

Issue: Current implementation of SSAS database and partition discoveries incorrectly resolves the situation when the last SSAS database or partition is deleted. In the case the information regarding the deleted object is still visible to the user.
Resolution: There is no resolution. The error may be addressed in future releases of the management pack. A user can either add a SSAS database/partition or remove the SSAS instance.

  • ‘An error occurred during execution of a SSAS 2008 MP managed module’ alert rule generates extra alerts for virtual nodes.

Issue: Current implementation of the rule uses ‘SSAS 2008 Seed’ as a target. Virtual nodes have mutual seed, as a result each time an error occurs on a physical machine an alert is automatically reported from every virtual entity which is currently associated with that physical machine.
Resolution: There is no resolution. The error may be addressed in future releases of the management pack.

  • Event 6200 “Analysis Services connection failed” error is reported into Operations Manager event log.

Issue: Instance discovery workflows of SSAS management pack require connection to a SSAS instance, if the connection is not provided the workflows report about encountered problems. Such an issue may occur when the instance is stopped during execution of a workflow, or when the instance is incorrectly configured.
Resolution: Set ‘Threadpool\Query\MaxThreads’ property to a value of less than or equal to two times the number of processors on the server.

  • Operations Consoles crash when user simultaneously opens two or more Instance/Database Summary dashboards on the same machine.

Issue: It is allowed to run two or more Operations Consoles on the same machine, but opening summary dashboards in more than one of them leads to a crash of all consoles. The issue is not observed in Web-consoles.
Resolution: There is no resolution.

  • Operations Console crashes if user who is browsing Instance Summary dashboard selects a SSAS Instance which has already been deleted.

Issue: The action cause a crash of Operations Console.
Resolution: Open Operation console again.

  • “Health Service State” monitor is in critical state and Health Service restarts periodically.

Issue: By default the threshold of “Monitoring Host Private Bytes Threshold Monitor” from the System Management Pack is 300 Mbytes. “MonitoringHost.exe” process may exceed the threshold and the “Health Service State” monitor may start the recovery procedure, when SSAS 2008 Monitoring Pack is collecting information about a large number of objects (more than 50 SSAS databases or 1500 partitions per server).
Resolution: Override the threshold of the “Monitoring Host Private Bytes Threshold Monitor” or reduce the number of objects being monitored by disabling discovery of partition objects.

  • Event 6200 “Category does not exist” (source – “SSAS 2008 MP”) is being generated on 64-bit operating systems running 32-bit SSAS instances.

Issue: SSAS doesn’t register performance counters properly when a 32-bit SSAS instance is installed on a 64-bit OS. In this case required performance counters cannot be found by Monitoring Pack and SSAS 2008 MP is unable to run properly.
Resolution: This issue cannot be resolved, WoW64 is not supported. It is highly recommended to use either 32-bit SSAS instances on 32-bit OS or 64-bit SSAS instances on 64-bit OS.

  • Health Service and Monitoring Host processes consume too much memory on systems running SSAS 2008 instances with large number of databases

Issue: On agent-managed systems that host one or more instance of SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services with large number of databases and/or partitions, “Health Service” and “Monitoring Host” processes may consume too much memory.
Resolution: It is not recommended to monitor more than 50 SSAS Databases on a single server. It is recommended to disable SSAS partitions discovery if you have more than 1500 partitions on a single server.

  • SSAS 2008 Summary Dashboards for Instances, Databases and Partitions display all active alerts if nothing is selected in the navigation widget (leftmost widget on the dashboard).

Issue: Dashboards display all active alerts if nothing is selected in the navigation widget (leftmost widget on the dashboard).
Resolution: Make sure that at least one Instance, Database or Partition is selected in the navigation widget.

  • WMI errors may occur when SQL Server AS 2008/2008 R2 and SQL Server AS 2012 are installed on the same server.

Issue: Modules can throw an error during WMI query.
Resolution: Update SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 with the latest service pack.

  • Partition Storage Free Space Monitor may generate too many alerts.

Issue: The monitor may generate a lot of alerts if database default storage folder and partition storage folder are sharing the same drive.
Resolution: Disable the monitor for all partitions which are sharing the same drive with database storage folder.

  • SSAS Seed object cannot be discovered if SQL Server 2008 Express Edition and SQL Server 2008 are installed on the same server.

Issue: SSAS 2008 Monitoring Pack can throw a WMI error during Seed object discovery.
Resolution: Update SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 with the latest service pack or disable Seed object discovery for a given server if that server is not running an Instance of SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services.

  • SSAS 2008 Monitoring Pack generates an alert: “An error occurred during execution of a SSAS 2008 MP managed module”.

Issue: Alert “An Error occurred during execution of a SSAS 2008 MP managed module” can be found in global “Active Alerts” view.
Resolution: This alert is generated if SSAS 2008 Monitoring Pack cannot execute one of workflows due to unknown issue. Examine alert message and alert context to determine the root cause.

  • SSAS 2008 Monitoring Pack may register Errors in the event log during installation of a new instance of SQL Server Analysis Services.

Issue: SSAS 2008 Monitoring Pack may generate a lot of errors in event log during installation of a new instance of SQL Server Analysis Services.
Resolution: The issue occurs because Monitoring Pack cannot get all required properties from the registry and WMI during installation process. Once the installation process is completed, the Monitoring Pack will be able to operate properly.

  • SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services reports incorrect value for Total and Low memory limit performance counters.

Issue: SQL Server Analysis Services may report incorrect values for Total and Low memory limit performance counters after reconfiguration.
Resolution: SQL Server Analysis Services doesn’t apply new configuration values immediately. SSAS service should be restarted to apply new settings.

  • SSAS 2008 Monitoring Pack generates an alert: “Could not find a part of the path to configuration file 'msmdsrv.ini'”

Issue: SSAS 2008 Monitoring Pack reports an error in the Event log and generates an alert “Could not find a part of the path to configuration file 'msmdsrv.ini'”. The issue occurs during cluster failover.
Resolution: There is no resolution. The issue may occur when monitoring workflow is trying to collect information during cluster failover. Once the failover is completed, the Monitoring Pack will be able to operate properly.

  • SSAS 2008 Monitoring Pack may not collect OS performance counters with localized names

Issue: SSAS 2008 Monitoring Pack may not collect OS performance counters with localized names.
Resolution: Workaround: set English display language for user accounts associated with SSAS Discovery and Monitoring Run AS Profiles. Also apply English as display language for system accounts.

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