Thursday 31 March 2016

Known Issues and Troubleshooting for Windows Server Base OS Management pack

Known Issues and Troubleshooting for Windows Server Base OS Management pack

  • Disk Partitions Which Correspond to Mounted Disks Are Not Monitored

Issue: Disk partition discovery is not enabled by default, but when enabled, disk partitions that correspond to mounted disks cannot be monitored properly and will show up as “Not Monitored” in the Operations Console. Management is still provided by way of other means in this management pack, but the disk partition perspective will not work in these instances.
Workaround: There is no workaround currently available. 
  • The “Core Windows Services Rollup” Monitor for Windows Server 2008 Includes Services That It Should Not

Issue: The Core Windows Services Rollup monitoring that exists in all server operating system management packs aggregates the state of a number of monitors that are watching the state of various “core services” and will change state if any one of those services is not running. The Windows Server 2008 version of this monitor includes a monitor for the “Computer Browser Service Health,” which is not accurate because the service is no longer required for the Windows Server 2008 operating system to function properly.
Workaround: The monitor can be safely ignored, but it can also be disabled by overriding it.
  • Remote Desktop (Admin) Not Always Accessible

Issue: There are times when Remote Desktop (Admin) is not accessible.
Workaround: The new Remote Desktop (Admin) functionality of Windows Server 2008 is supported by way of the /admin switch. However, it is available only in Windows Server 2008 and the Windows Vista operating system with SP1.

  • The Console Session Does Not Work in Windows Server 2008
Issue: Attempts to use the /console switch do not work properly.
Workaround: The console session no longer exists in Windows Server 2008. Use of the /console switch will be ignored, and the behavior is the same as a simple Remote Desktop task.

  • Behavior for Accessing the Console Session of Windows Server 2003 Has Changed
Issue: There is a change in behavior for accessing the console session of Windows Server 2003.
Workaround: For the Windows XP operating system with SP1 or earlier and Windows Vista, use the Remote Desktop (Console) task in Windows Server 2003. Remote Desktop (Admin) will cause an error dialog. For Windows Vista with SP1, use the Remote Desktop (Admin) task in Windows Server 2008. Remote Desktop (Console) will work as the Remote Desktop task without any notice.

  • SUBST Drive Mappings Are Not Supported by Logical Disk Monitoring
Issue: There is a command-line tool (SUBST.exe) that can be used to associate a path (such as c:\windows\system32) with a drive letter (such as D:\). Because these mappings are exposed in WMI, logical disk monitoring discovers them and attempts to monitor them as such, but will subsequently generate errors.
Workaround: There is no workaround currently available, and this configuration is not supported.

Known Issues with Localized Versions of the Management Pack:

  •  Object discoveries scoped to Windows Server 2008 Computer and Windows Server 2008 Operating System may not display correctly in the Authoring pane.
  • Some instances of localized display strings may not display correctly in the Operations console.
Known Issue: Cluster Disks Managed by Third-Party Software are Not Monitored

  • Issue: If the Cluster disks are managed by third party software, and they change the resource type to anything other than “Physical Disk”, these disks will be discovered but we do not provide monitoring for these.
  • Workaround: There is no workaround currently available. In future, we will be removing discovery for these too.
Known Issue: PowerShell in 2012 MP failed if .NET is uninstalled from Core OS agent by user

  • Issue: .NET 4.5 and PowerShell are installed by default on Core OS and PowerShell depends on .NET, if they are uninstalled from Core OS agent by user, some workflows depending on PowerShell in 2012 MP will be failed.
  • Workaround: Install .NET Framework 4.5 and PowerShell on Core Operating System.

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