Monday 28 March 2016

SCOM Management pack for SQL Server Reporting Service 2012 (SSRS)

SCOM Management pack for SQL Server Reporting Service 2012

Microsoft SQL Server Dashboards Management Pack provides an ability to create and customize visualization on the fly. 

There are two views in the SQL Server Dashboards;
  •  Datacenter view
  • Instance view

The Datacenter view is an aggregated view. The Instance level provides detailed information about the selected object.

Datacenter View:

The Datacenter view is the Dashboard which provides information about the datacenter health state in an aggregated way. It is possible to drill down from the Datacenter view to the Instance view in order to investigate the root cause of the issue. It is possible to return to the home page from any Instance view by clicking the Home part of the navigation pane.

Datacenter View Tiles:

Datacenter view tile consists of two parts; the left part displays the number of objects within a group in the worst state and a total number of objects. The right part of the widget displays the number of alerts with the highest severity.

The expanded mode shows the number of objects in other states in addition to the data which is displayed in the collapsed mode.

By default when Alerts widget is expanded it displays three Alert widgets: Critical, Warning and Info. The number of alerts for each alert type is displayed within the corresponding widget.

The Aggregated performance tile shows five columns each representing the number of objects in the current data range.

Instance View:

Instance View of the Dashboard opened while drilling into a group or an object from the previous Instance view or Datacenter Dashboard is provided below:

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